I just became a subscriber because I was alerted to your posts when you commented on a post by another Substack writer. It has alerts been my belief that three of the most important traits are humility, open mindedness, and especially the associated ability to listen without preconceptions. Unfortunately, they all seem to be increasingly in short supply.

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Thank you…

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I thought at first that you might be a priest: Fr. Prete!

I am developing a new idea of free will as I wrap my head around quantum theory. Maybe there is a creator/energy that began this whole thing and who waits for us each to figure out that the point of control in free will is actually way EARLIER than we ever thought: Have a idea/thought/goal and meditate/pray emotionally on it and it will become the thing reality collapses around.

This really resonates for me because I teach singing and have long taught that since we can’t directly control the singing parts of our body we need to imagine/audiate the sounds we want to create. When we do that, the mind and body can synch up together right before the breath and all the muscles and processes that always and only happen out of our control are given a chance to occur without the interference of “trying” and “effort”.

It’s very zen, I think.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Frederick R Prete

Thanks . If I can shake the annoying URI that has been something of a plague over the last 10 days, I expect the coming week to be a real and enjoyable improvement.

I appreciate your thoughtfulness and look forward to continuing the conversation…

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I want to congratulate you on your subscription success. I look forward to your continued contributions to a useful intellectual discourse.

Give our past ‘conversations’, I expect you would be interested in the YouTube video referenced below

By Design: Behe, Lennox, And Meyer On The Evidence For A Creator

Micheal Behe

Stephen Meyer

John Lenox


I hope you find this interesting and hope to read your reactions.

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i feel very fortunate to read your writing. you are such a wonderful thinker. thank you for sharing your fine mind.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Frederick R Prete

I can't wait to subscribe to your podcast! I was just vaguely referring to "...an article I read about two headed turtles" while subtly trying to get my brilliant daughter to see the light on trans ideology. Her Honors Bio class just started their unit on meiosis and between that and what steal from you, I can keep hope alive!

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Frederick R Prete

This made me feel more grounded than I have in a long time.

It reminds me of a deep goal I've had and that I've allowed twisted twitter to damage.

Thank you for grounding us in humanity, humility, and honest compassion vs. narcissistic compassion.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Frederick R Prete

And I’ll be happy to check out the podcast

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Frederick R Prete

I’m happy to be part of the crowd! :)

My sincere sympathy on the loss of Greg, he sounds like an amazing person.

I’m going to forward this to my family...I’ve never verbalized it as well as this, but it’s exactly how I’d like to have discussions with them. It’s really been disturbing to me that your humble, thoughtful, open-minded approach is so difficult! Many of the folks I just want to *talk* to (my eyes are wide open, theirs not so much), are doing the equivalent of putting their fingers in their ears and saying “lalalalalala I can’t hear you!” Gaaaa drives me crazy 🤣

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Congratulations! I love your contributions and your vibe. The podcast sounds great!

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Congratulations! I have a professor of microbiology who very much has the mindset. One day the class discussion wandered to evolution vs intelligent design, and he very generously said that he’s not saying intelligent design is wrong, just that we can’t *test* it.

I’m a middle aged adult changing careers, but there are young people in the class just starting college. I thought this was a kind, compassionate, and humble way to teach the importance of science and curiosity.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Frederick R Prete

I’m very happy for you! I find your thoughts and perspective reliably edifying and often entertaining. I’m so glad your effort is being rewarded by subscribers.

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I’ll listen. And I don’t usually listen to podcasts!

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deletedFeb 5, 2023Liked by Frederick R Prete
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