23 hrs agoLiked by Frederick R Prete

As a man I could see how sadness is your emotional state but as a woman who in the 1990s grew up in the LGBT community and alt culture and was groomed and almost assaulted by a AGP male cross dresser in a bathroom it makes me furious. I used to defend these men. But I’ve seen too many disgusting and disturbing actions in person to be able to turn a blind eye anymore. And now it’s been groomed to young vulnerable CHILDREN. Ugh.

These men know what they are doing. They aren’t some sad subclass of oppressed women in men’s bodies. Many of them are sexual predators, fetishists who have been using too much porn (in our current porn hub culture - hypno sissy version - focusing on humiliation). Their entire identity centers around being “sexually dominated” as a cos-play female because that’s how they see females. Even their own wives - most are heterosexual men!! Women are seen as a hole. As something to be penetrated. It’s ugly and gross and totally dehumanizing. If you read their stories, go into their discord servers, their inner circles the truth comes out -> women are to be deconstructed and to be dominated…. It’s not something you see in the academic circles or on the media but if you were part of the underground communities and had first hand witness to what they are getting away with it’s vile. And most gay men and lesbian women I knew in the 90s when the T/ AGPs started coming to the bars they were appalled and not accepting. This is another misnomer thats LGB historically wanted the T - nope. 👎

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Frederick R Prete

This shouldn’t make us sad. It should make us angry. Gender can’t be ‘chosen’. The word is a chimera & is being used by people to blur the lines when they mean ‘sex’. We all present ourselves in different ways - usually via the clothes we wear - but that doesn’t mean we’re inviting everyone to query our ‘identity’. It’s just presentation & it is as varied as there are humans alive.

So, on to this interloper into a women’s ‘beauty’ pageant (the question of how relevant the very idea of such a ridiculous show is in the 21st century is another debate. The prize money, scholarships etc are all very well, but since when were those benefits dependent on a woman’s beauty? The dark ages of the patronising patriarchy are clearly still lingering in some weird pockets of the US.)

Anyway - to Brian. He is a man in a dress. If he were an attractive man I’d be among the first to say “What a beautiful young man”. But Brian is not a beautiful young man. And he is certainly not a beautiful woman. He remains a man in a dress. And he thinks that by simply donning parody ‘women’s’ clothes he actually becomes a different sex? It’s just a stereotype. I’m a woman who wears jeans/trousers/leggings. And yet I’m not ‘being a man’ just because I’m wearing clothes stereotypically worn by men. Clothes are just decoration of the container. They don’t change the contents. And wearing a dress, fake tits, lipstick & a fright wig does not confer upon any man the privilege of being a woman.

How the organisers of this show managed to twist their brains into such a cognitive pretzel is truly extraordinary. What induced them to make such an utter travesty of a decision? Maybe afraid of the ‘trans’ lobby? They’re certainly frightening as a group - cruel, vicious, defensive, violent. And let’s not forget, often addicted to porn. Paedophile Jacob Breslow was until recently a trustee of transgender clinic Mermaids (now discredited) & this is just the thin edge of the wedge.

When is someone going to snap their fingers & break this grotesque spell?

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'Cognitive pretzel.' 👍🤣

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Jane: "This shouldn’t make us sad. It should make us angry. Gender can’t be ‘chosen’. The word is a chimera & is being used by people to blur the lines when they mean ‘sex’. ...."

Amen to that, the first part in particular. Not just "sad" but incandescently "angry" -- we're being "meek and gentle" with butchers, not just of language, logic, and reason, but of dysphoric and autistic children. Crime of the century.

However, a large part of the whole transgender clusterfuck is the fact that every man, woman, and otherkin has a different definition for gender. Evolutionary biologist Colin Wright had a decent summary of the issue several years ago:

"1/ Most confusion about 'gender' results from people not defining it. Many definitions are in circulation:

1. Synonym for sex (male/female)

2. A subjective feeling in relation to one's sex

3. Societal sex-based roles/expectations

4. Sex-related behavior

5. Personality traits"


But that dispute over definitions was starkly illustrated in a recent Apple TV video by Jonathan Stewart which clearly showed that he, somewhat more credibly, argued that gender was a range, a spectrum, a multitude of personality types while Tucker Carlson was committed to the view that sex and gender were synonymous and a binary.

No wonder the Left and Right can't see eye-to-eye, no wonder they're reprising the Hatfield-McCoy feud. My elaboration on that theme over at Blocked and Reported:


But, as I've argued in the above, it seems to me there's far more scientific justification for defining "gender" as a synonym for personalities and personality types, as an amalgamation of Wright's items 3, 4, & 5. My kick at that kitty, an effort to come up with a scientifically justified concept of gender:


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Well put. Of course, I agree with you completely.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Frederick R Prete

This is all so sad and may be a prelude to a transgendered individual in the Miss American Pageant. Many in our society have lost their minds. I hope that this is a very slender minority.

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I agree.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Frederick R Prete

There have always been those who mistake the false for the true, and evil for good. Now this includes the solipsistic narcissism of gender ideology mistaking gender fantasy for sexual identity. So it goes...

Woe to those who call evil good

and good evil,

who put darkness for light

and light for darkness,

who put bitter for sweet

and sweet for bitter.

Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes

and clever in their own sight.

Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine

and champions at mixing drinks,

who acquit the guilty for a bribe,

but deny justice to the innocent.

Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw

and as dry grass sinks down in the flames,

so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust


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Wonderful. Thank you

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Frederick R Prete

A beauty contest is meaningless when females compete against natal males whose so-called medically necessary gender-affirming surgeries may have included tens of thousands of dollars worth of facial and bodily plastic surgery (often fully paid for by insurance). As another commenter said, the more these absurd things happen, the more the general public, who still equate self-ID with the slogan "Be nice," will wake up to the real-life repercussions of it. And affirming the delusion that "transwomen are women" is not kind to boys who are pursuing chemical and surgical castration to try to become something they will never actually be. Being a medically and surgically altered transwomen might be fun and glamorous for a few years, but it will lead to a difficult old age.

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That is so true… age will not be kind. It never is.

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They deserve to have their junk cut off and all the misery that comes with their misogynist behaviors that they bestow on women.

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Well, my son is one. He has struggled with mental illness, anxiety, and low self esteem for much of his life. He has no desire to harm women or invade their sports, competitions, or private spaces. I imagine he transitioned because he felt invisible, like a failure as a man, maybe guilty about being a man, and also because of his mental health issues and possible neurodivergence. He is in a cult, and he's brainwashed. If he wanted actual therapy, he would not be able to get it the moment he mentioned gender dysphoria, because no therapist would dare risk losing their license by performing so-called conversion therapy. He doesn't deserve that at all. This comes from the activists and from the big money funding them.

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My heart goes out to you as well, and to your son and your family. I can’t imagine how incredibly difficult it must be.

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My heart goes out to you , to him, and your family.

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Thank you. So many lives are being destroyed. I wish the girls and their parents would speak up instead of being so accommodating. It would actually help the boys too, in the long run. Recently a girl spoke up in VA about not wanting a female-identifying male in her locker room. The congressional rep for that district wrote a letter to the school board, and the response was a smug, "Well, no one else has ever complained!" Right, because everyone is intimidated and wants to be "kind."

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Me too. Yes, I would have spoken out.

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But they probably won’t cut anything off. They will continue play-acting as women to get as much attention, money, and yes, sex, as they can. These are cynical, opportunistic men (yes, they are men - XY chromosomes all the way), likely with severe mental and emotional problems.

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Unfortunately, many of them lose sexual function as well as their ability to have children. They are being taught from early school years that they might be in the wrong body. And after that, all the people who are supposed to be trusted adults -- teachers, therapists, doctors, and political leaders -- are telling them the same thing. It is obscene, and what is obscene is the avarice and cowardice of the adults who know better and are treating these kids as throwaways.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Frederick R Prete

Sad? This whole thing enrages me. A fake woman competing against real women and taking their money and opportunities away from them? It’s completely wrong and I hope this transgender movement comes crashing down around all of these fakers.

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It doesn't make me sad, it makes me angry. It makes me angry that the women cheered him. It makes me angry that women are so masochistic that they put up with being treated like dirt. It makes me angry that this is heavily environmental, but also genetic. It makes me angry that everywhere in the world, women are treated like dirt by men & then put up with it. It makes me angry that this will never change.

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I agree with you… but I’m hoping it does change for everyone’s sake.

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Look, sorry I spouted off on your 'stack. I was thinking of deleting my outburst then I saw a few people liked it so I'll leave it but... No, "it" won't change. Nothing changes unless people change things. And people won't change because men are men & women are women.

I've been listening to 2nd Wave Feminism for over 50 years and I'm sick to death of it. If a tenth of what they said was true the situation wouldn't be as it is. But I'll spout off on my own territory. Thanks for your writing.

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I don't blame the Second Wave feminists for getting things wrong. Women were emerging from thousands of years of legal oppression and no-one knew what a fully liberated female would be like. Easy to blame every disparity between men and women on sexism.

We now know better. Individual men and women have many overlapping qualities but statistically we are on two different bell curves for many attributes. And even the strongest most physical women can be knocked out the park by a reasonable fit man.

That's why women as a class need protections. Instead of despairing, let's build a third wave feminism that is better rooted in the reality of male and female biology. If we can do that, then the gender idiots may in the long run have done us all a favour.

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"Women were emerging from thousands of years of legal oppression and no-one knew what a fully liberated female would be like."


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Reasoning, please.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Frederick R Prete

You only have to see a picture of Brian surrounded by the young women he 'competed' against to see the cuckoo. Yes, it hurts, and it makes you angry that he is taking money and opportunities away from these women. But I am confident that every time a man does these things, he peaks more people and brings the end of gender ideology closer.

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I’m not sure what ‘peaking’ people means. Did you mean ‘pique’?


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As Andrew noted, a matter of "questioning trans rights activism".

Couple of cases in point you might have some interest in:



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No, I don't think it's related to pique. In origin 'to peak' means to reach the highest point of some trend, and commence a downward path, eg 'peak oil'. In Twitter-speak it seems to mean to bring about a turning point in someone's views. So to peak in this context is to start people questioning trans rights activism and start them on a path to challenging it.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Frederick R Prete

Nope. It’s celebrated in the government. Rachael Levine and beyond. It’s going to get worse.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Frederick R Prete

You are right that there are formidable obstacles. I do hope that it won't have to get worse before it gets better.

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These men deserve to have their junk cut off.

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I hope you're right!

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2023Liked by Frederick R Prete

All the little lies are adding up.

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The upside of this kind of farce—like Lia Thomas "winning" the women's title—is that it wakes up more and more people who previously weren't paying attention or couldn't see the harm. (Obviously it won't "peak" true believers because. . . well. . . they're true believers.) So I hope his preposterous "win" receives lots of attention and celebration in the mainstream press.

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A great point! I agree with you.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Frederick R Prete

When Rachel Levine and Catlin Jenner are getting awards from the government and top magazines in the world, we are doomed.

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I don't think nature can be ignored or over-ridden for long. Reality will reassert itself, though it might just take more time and result in more harm than we'd like.

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I hope we are not doomed. But I understand your point of view.

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